Wednesday, September 4, 2013

So...How Does this Vegan Thing Make You Feel?

Better than I have felt in a very long time.

I feel "lighter" - yes that is due to the weight loss but I also feel lighter after meals .... gone is that heavy feeling after a big meal

I no longer use antacids.

I have lost weight - I had to buy new pants :)

My skin is clearer

My dairy-produced congestion has vanished

No afternoon slump + more energy overall - I attribute this also in part to the weight loss

Better sleeping

I feel better psychologically - feel I am at least making a small difference on this Earth - to be kinder to this planet and all the lifeforms here.

Those are the noticeable things so far - and they are pretty awesome.

I also received my new Vegan cookbooks from today!

Tonight's fun homework is to a quick once over of both books and narrow down my cooking plans for this weekend!

